Lottery FAQ

What if there are no winners?

If AMPLE in the prize pools isn't won it doesn't go to waste! Unclaimed AMPLE rolls over to the next Lottery round.

My ticket matches several numbers but I can't claim a prize

Tickets are only eligible for prizes if matching numbers from left to right. See the Lottery documentation for a thorough explanation.


How is Lottery different from Lottery?

Lottery distributes prizes more widely than Lottery. It gives each ticket a 1 in 10 chance to match the first number, which means more tickets will at least win a small prize. It also has 6 (up from 4) numbers that need to be matched sequentially to win the biggest prize.

Overall this means more tickets can win a prize, but the largest prize jackpot will be won less frequently, making for huge top prize pools!

Lottery introduces:

  • cheaper ticket prices (~$5 USD in AMPLE per ticket) that don't swing wildly with the price of AMPLE
  • bulk ticket discounts
  • 6-tiered prize pool brackets with increasing prize pools as more numbers are matched
  • manual number selection (optional), so users can use their lucky numbers
  • Chainlink’s implementation of VRF for true, secure randomness
  • lower overall fees (see lower down this page for more information)
  • Learn more about Lottery features, gameplay, and prizes

Learn more about Lottery features, gameplay, and prizes

How are prizes broken down between brackets?

Each bracket's prize pool is a portion of the total AMPLE in each Lottery round.

Bracket (numbers matched in order) AMPLE Allocation
First 1 number 2%
First 2 number 3%
First 3 number 5%
First 4 number 10%
First 5 number 20%
First 6 number 40%
Burn 20%

Can I swap my tickets back to AMPLE?

No, once purchased you will not be able to convert your ticket back to AMPLE.

If I win, do I need to manually claim the prize?

Yes, you will need to click the Check Now button under "Are you a winner?" on the Lottery page.

How often is the lottery?

A new Lottery round starts every 12 hours.

What transaction fee will I pay for buying tickets?

Every ticket purchase you make will be one transaction. Purchasing a single ticket in a Lottery purchase will cost the normal amount of fees for a transaction.

However, buying more tickets in that purchase will increase the fee. Buying 100 tickets rather than 1 will not multiply the fee by 100, but may increase the fee amount by 5-6 times (though this varies).

How does the bulk discount work?

The bulk discount rewards buying larger amounts of tickets with a scaling discount. If you're only buying 2 tickets, the discount is negligible, but will add up quickly as you increase the number of tickets to buy in the one transaction.

The discount only applies to each transaction up to 100 tickets. The discount does not carry over to the next transaction or next round.

Why can I only buy 100 tickets?

You can only buy a maximum of 100 tickets in one purchase, but you can make multiple purchases. There's nothing to stop you buying more tickets after your first 100.

If I manually create two or more tickets with the same numbers and they win, am I eligible for prizes for each ticket?

Yes, each ticket is treated as a separate entry to the Lottery. Keep in mind that the prizes will not be 1:1 though, as each winning ticket you have dilutes each share of the bracket's total prizes.

Injection schedule: When is AMPLE added to the lottery?

When people buy tickets, the AMPLE they spend is added to the lottery pot. In addition, a total of 20,000 AMPLE is also added (injected) to lottery pots on a regular schedule over the course of eight rounds (four days).

This injection schedule started with round 84:

The cycle restarts with a new 20,000 AMPLE as soon as it finishes.